The work plan of CODECO comprises 7 work packages (WPs) for a project lifespan of three years.

WP1 is focused on project coordination and management, ensures adequate internal communication, quality and timely delivery of results, mitigation of risks, fulfilment of contractual responsibilities to the EC, liaison with AB members, sound management of its data and of open science.
WP2 addresses boundaries, initial use-case design and provides guidelines to the use-cases. It also supports the CODECO architecture design.
WP3 addresses the specification, implementation of the CODECO framework and its components, creating the first CODECO Open Edge-Cloud Software Toolkit.
WP4 supports the tasks to be added to the holistic, cognitive Edge-Cloud CODECO framework assuming multi-cluster, multi-domain environments.
WP5 supports the experimentation and demonstrations based on the CODECO use-cases and shall provide the CODECO EdgeNet framework.
WP6 covers plans and effective impact creation activities to disseminate and promote results towards all CODECO stakeholders, towards standardisation, and towards the broader European Edge-Cloud community.
WP7 supports the CODECO community building activities and its exploitation during its lifetime and beyond.